One Mess Leads to Another.
Have you ever noticed that? Messes multiply.

When all my goat chores were finished, about an hour or so later, I went to fix myself a bowl of cereal, and guess what I found. . . yep, more spilled milk - in the fridge!
At first it seemed that only a little leaked out of the bag and it would be limited to the top shelf. So I told my grandson what he had done and grabbed a couple paper towels to soak it up. Well, as I started moving things, I realized it was more than just a little, and it had spilled over the edge to the shelf below. I grumbled a little to my grandson about the mess, and emptied the second shelf to clean it too. As I was taking things off the second shelf, I saw more milk running down the back into the fruit drawer. As I pulled that drawer out to clean it, more milk ran into the deli drawer below the fruit drawer! Argh! Grrrrh! Boogers!!!
Now I was really aggravated, so rather than snap at my grandkids, I just told them to turn the TV off and go outside to play, as I snatched the deli drawer out to clean it as well. Pulling the drawer out, I saw more milk on the bottom of the fridge. By this time, I've emptied the entire fridge of all its contents and cleaned it all!
Looking on the bright side of things, however, the fridge was pretty dirty and needed cleaning anyway. This just forced me to do it now when I didn't really have time. But as I was cleaning, it occurred to me that life is a lot like all this spilled milk today. When we allow ourselves to be distracted from God, or make choices that lead us in the wrong direction, it makes a big mess of things. It's called sin. And it starts out small, but seeps into areas we don't expect it to. One mess leads to another mess. Soon it can overflow into every aspect of our lives.
When I tried to put the deli drawer back in the fridge, I couldn't get it back in. It just wasn't right. It wouldn't go in all the way. I tried everything, but to no avail. I called my son and asked him to come and fix it. He did. After he got it back in, he showed me it had to be put on the tracks a certain way. It would only go in one way and it had to be the right way.
That's the same with our lives as well. When we make a mess of things, we need to call the Son to fix it. It will only work One Way, and that's the Right Way. The best part, however, is that Jesus does the clean up as well. He doesn't leave that part to us. We can't do it ourselves. We need His help to make us clean and to make us right.
What kind of mess are you dealing with? Call the Son. He'll take care of it. He'll take care of you.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 ESV
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. I Peter 5:7 NLT
Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 NIV
© 2016 by Deedy Tripp.
All rights reserved.
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